Thursday, October 4, 2007


Finally got the scope of updating my blog...actually was quite busy…finishing my phd in wasting time , sleeping and lazying around…trust me it was not that easy as it may sound…requires a strong determination and will power…even if u don’t have anything to do and boredom becomes habitual…just don’t give up…mark my words “U WILL SUCCEED!!!”. Ooh missed one thing that consumed a lot of my precious time…and that being DAY DREAMING…
I just love this thing about me…rosy day dreaming…a trait I had picked up quite early…or being a Piscean , maybe that was inherent…creating a world of your own…getting lost …losing sync with the reality…until here its quite a lovely thing to do…but when u start believing the dreams to be real without making any efforts for the same…the line between the real and the virtual gets blurred…and then one fine day something happens which awakens u from the deep slumber…the reality comes crashing down…then it might become a herculean task to bring life back on its always a better option to not to get carried away…would like to conclude with a famous quote:
“Don’t dream in the dusty recesses of your mind , to wake up and find that it was vanity; but dream with open eyes and act to make it possible!!!”


Raghav said...

nice quote...gud to hav u back..try being a little regular..i knw u r up to nuthing..plain nuthing!! so wat better den blogosphere to while away ur time..

Tushar Sharma said...

yup....wasting time is an often overlooked art, too intricate for the busy ones to fathom.
and its tough work. i can say that by experience.
as for daydreaming, the less said the better. but what is the point in dreaming if we only dream of simple achievable things. that defeats the whole purpose. isn't it??
so make them as grand as possible. fulfilled or not is another story.

sufia said...

hmmmm……..n by d way, u hav chosen a good title for ur blog………
Itz nt a wastage of time, it is actually one of d most potent activities in fixing troubles that plague most of us these days…….life is a party… least in ur what u wanna be.......but take ur imagination to the limits.................
Daydreamer’s peculiarity is to forget the things, Some people may call them Absent minded, but it's too kooool to be a day dreamer!!! isn’t it?[:D]

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!